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Let's Talk A Parade

Recorded in Omaha, Nebraska February 2023 At ARC Studios, The basement at the crib, and Monika's crib in Queens, NY

credits released May 3, 2024

Engineered by Adam Roberts at ARC Studios Omaha
Mixed by Mike Mogis, Joshua Valleau, and Adam Roberts
Mastered by Joshua Valleau at Glass Wall Studios
Album Art by Tifa Holman
Portrait photography by Ernest Stuart

Roger L Lewis - Drums Track 1
Michaela Favara - Voce Tracks 1, 4
Monika Heidemann - Voice Track 5
Jacob Cubby Phillips - Light Guitar Track 5
Amy "Bird" Carey - Whistle Track 1
Miwi - all other vox, and instruments all tracks

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"TIPS"Produced by: Conor Oberst and Miwi la Lupa

Engineered by: Corina Figueroa Escamilla and Adam Cornelius Benjamin Roberts Musicians: Corina, Conor, John Evans, Nate Van Fleet, Monica Frisell, Todd Fink, Stathi, Annie Dilocker, Joanna Sternberg

Sermon by: Jim Keltner

Recorded at ARC Studios Omaha, NE

Artwork by: Tyler Cannellini Chickinelli

All songs written by: Miwi

Excerpt track 7: Joanna AB: TSB

Tigershrimp Records 2019


Beginner’s Guide

Beginner’s Guide” was born out of the necessity to capture the feelings and sounds of a band whose future was uncertain. Two of the core band members were leaving New York City for greener pastures, creating a newfound energy for the band.What better way to bid a timely adieu than with a new record? “Beginner’s Guide” was recorded 3 months after the cymbals stopped ringing for the “Ended Up Making Love” sessions (Team Love Records, March ’16). Recorded at The Glass Wall Studio in Brooklyn, NY in late August 2015 with the wolves (Timothy Allen, Conor Elmes, Jesske Humes), the finishing touches were then recorded at ARC Studio in Omaha, NE and the record was ultimately mastered back in Brooklyn. Miwi La Lupa enlisted longtime friend, filmmaker, and music enthusiast Mike Allen to make his debut as Producer, stating that “nobody knows my demos, even before “New Way Home”, better than Mike. I trust his musical ear, industry knowledge, and dedicated work ethic.” The unique sound of “Beginner’s Guide” can be lauded to Allen’s aspirant producing methods. Woven throughout the record are samples of “The Language of the Wolves” narrated by Robert Redford, adding a peculiar harmony to the record.Songs on the latest Autumn release “Beginner’s Guide” were written both with the entrenched lingering of the earlier Spring’s “EUML” record, but also with new found maturity in mind. La Lupa’s adroit lyrics are a reflection of new times and new beginnings, which leads him to rightfully title this record “Beginner’s Guide.” Tigershrimp Records was born on September 22nd 2016 with combined efforts from musician Miwi La Lupa and producer Mike Allen, with “Beginner’s Guide” being the first release on the adolescent label.  


Ended up making love

In the middle of the summer of 2015, we finished recording my second album – one that I truly am proud of. Since the release of “New Way Home”, I had been inspired and encouraged to keep writing. About 20 songs later, through live trial and tweaking with the band, I had a good combination of songs for a record.


Late last fall, while on tour with Conor Oberst, we started listening to early demos. Eventually, during some down time, the idea of recording an album with He and Mike Mogis as producers was sprung – fast forward to today, after two weeks at ARC Studios, the record is finished and ready for release.


Working with Conor, Mike and engineer/musician Ben Brodin felt like the easiest, most natural thing in the world, and allowed my incredible band and me to truly enjoy the recording process.

Compared to “New Way Home”, the songs written on “Ended Up Making Love” found me digging deeper than the despondency of losing a significant other. Life in NYC has given me great influence and inspiration by what is seen on the streets, in the news, conversations I have with people in my life, and relationships romantic or otherwise.


New Way Home

New Way Home, Miwi’s debut album on Team Love, is the result of life taking an unexpected turn. With the help of Monica Jane Frisell, the songs began to take shape in early 2013. As things developed, friends such as Joanna Warren, Curtis Fowlkes, Rob Jost, Mara Kaye, Natalie John, Timothy Allen, Bill Frisell, and Conor Oberst, all enthused at the sound, eagerly jumped in to lend a hand. 


New Way Home is a short, immediate, and catchy album, but its real magic lies in its ability to invoke a wide range of sonic diversity while not losing sight of its singular vision.


A track like “Ashes To The Wind” invokes legendary bluesman Howlin’ Wolf, while “Here I Am” positions itself neatly between singer-songwriters like Ron Sexsmith and Stuart Murdoch.

The album’s songs range from playfully vengeful (“Everybody’s Fuckin’ With Me”) to sorrowfully serious (“New Moon Night”).

MiWi’s voice is frank, his phrasing crisp, his lyrics easy to grasp yet full of twists. The songs document a season in a life, offering empathy to the listener while asking for the same in return. New Way Home came out on Team Love Records January 21, 2014.x

©2019 by Miwi La Lupa 

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